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Fig. 14 | IMA Fungus

Fig. 14

From: Quantitative integrative taxonomy informs species delimitation in Teloschistaceae (lichenized Ascomycota): the genus Wetmoreana as a case study

Fig. 14

Wetmoreana appressa morphodeme. AG W. appressa (holotype, A thallus habit, B close-up on apothecia, C section of thallus showing calcium oxalate crystals below algal layer prominent in polarized light, D section of apothecium showing prosoplectenchymatous parathecium, E section of apothecium showing hypothecium consisting of small rounded cells, F ascus with spores, G conidia), HR W. “appressa” (Wetmore 70,012, LD 1084897, H thallus habit, I close-up on bullate thallus centre, J close-up on apothecia, K section of thallus showing medulla filled with calcium oxalate crystals prominent in polarized light, L section of apothecium showing prosoplectenchymatous parathecium, M section of apothecium showing prosoplectenchymatous hypothecium, N ascus with spores, O simple paraphyses, P section of pycnidium, R conidia. Scale in A, B, H, I, J = 2 mm, in D, E, K, L, M, P = 100 µm, in F, N, O = 10 µm, in G, R = 10 µm

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