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figure a

College of Science

Department of Biological Sciences

Dr. Keith Seifert


International Mycological Association

5 September 2014

Dear Keith,

A huge thank you to the International Mycological Association for the honors bestowed upon me in Bangkok! This meeting was like a fairy tale with a very happy ending. I am honored to be in the first group selected as Fellows of the association and, as the mycological great, great, great granddaughter of H.A. de Bary, I am thrilled to have received one of the two de Bary Medals. My heartfelt thanks go to the IMA and the organizers of IMC10.

My first experience with the IMA was at the time of the inaugural Congress, when as a PhD student I remained behind to take care of the lab in Texas. C.J. Alexopoulos, my graduate advisor, traveled to IMC1 at Exeter and returned as the first president of the association. Since that time I have attended six of the other nine congresses and served terms as Secretary and President; because of the IMA I made friends I would never otherwise have known well such as Emory Simmons, who loved Thailand and the IMA, and who, unfortunately, died between the Edinburgh and Bangkok congresses. IMA is an association that provides close ties and fond memories. I look forward to IMC11 in Puerto Rico in 2018!

With best wishes,

figure b

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Blackwell, M., Luangsa-ard, J., Taylor, J.W. et al. Correspondence. IMA Fungus 5, A59 (2014).

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