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Table 5 Specimens for which the morphology was examined for the description of Lecanosticta jani, L. pharomachri, L. tecunumanii and L. variabilis

From: Biodiversity of Lecanosticta pine-needle blight pathogens suggests a Mesoamerican Centre of origin


CMW numbera

Status of specimen

Herbarium specimenb

Ex-type isolatesc

Lecanosticta jani

CMW 38950d


PREM 62186

CBS 144446


CMW 38958d


PREM 62185

CBS 144456

CMW 48831e


PREM 62187

CBS 144447

CMW 51058d

Additional material examined


CMW 51059d

Additional material examined

CMW 51143e

Additional material examined


Additional material examined

Lecanosticta pharomachri

CMW 37136


PREM 62188

CBS 144448


CMW 38947


PREM 62189

CBS 144695

CMW 38974


PREM 62190

CBS 144449

CMW 38976

Additional material examined


CMW 51053

Additional material examined

CMW 51054

Additional material examined

Lecanosticta tecunumanii

CMW 46805


PREM 62191

CBS 144450


CMW 46812


PREM 62193

CBS 144452

CMW 49403


PREM 62192

CBS 144451

Lecanosticta variabilis

CMW 42205


PREM 62196

CBS 144453, IMI 281561


CMW 37125


PREM 62194

CBS 144454

CMW 36809


PREM 62195

CBS 144455

CMW 45425

Additional material examined

CBS H-21112

CBS 133789

CMW 37129

Additional material examined

  1. aCMW Culture collection of the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI), University of Pretoria, South Africa; bThe herbarium deposits are dried cultures that serve as holotype and paratype specimens. PREM = The dried herbarium collection of the South African National Collection of Fungi, Mycology Unit, Biosystematics Division, Plant protection Institute, Agricultural Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa; cThe ex-type cultures are living cultures linked to the holotype and paratype specimens. CBS = The culture collection of the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands; IMI = The UK National Fungus Collection maintained by CABI Bioscience, Egham, UK; d Lecanosticta jani cultures with the Type 2 morphology; e Lecanosticta jani cultures with the Type 1 morphology