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Fig. 1 | IMA Fungus

Fig. 1

From: Brassicaceous roots as an unexpected diversity hot-spot of helotialean endophytes

Fig. 1

Phylogenetic relationships of the isolates of this study and reference species related to the genus Cadophora. The tree shows a topology based on Bayesian inference analysis of concatenated ITS, LSU, tef1-α, and rpb2 partial sequences. Node support values correspond to posterior probabilities (PP) obtained by Bayesian inference, and to bootstrap (BS) analyses based on 1000 replicates of a maximum likelihood phylogeny (PP/BS). Only PP and BS values above 0.8 and 70 are shown, respectively, and thickened branches indicate strong support with PP = 1 and BS > 99. The isolates of this study are indicated by colored bullets next to the isolates names, with colors representing their geographical origin (see color key in map inset). The species these isolates belong to are highlighted by colored clades (see color key with species names). Strain names highlighted in bold face correspond to species types, or isolates putatively representing them. The Cadophorasensu stricto (s.s.) clade is demarcated with a bracket. Examples of some of the isolates’ colony aspect are shown in the pictures rightwards to the tree, depicting 15-day-old pure cultures of individual isolates (see number referring to isolates) on 2% malt extract agar. *, C. fastigiata CBS 307.49, although not a type specimen, is considered to represent well the genus type by multiple authors (see Discussion). **, C. bubakii CBS 198.30 is an isotype

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