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Fig. 4 | IMA Fungus

Fig. 4

From: Brassicaceous roots as an unexpected diversity hot-spot of helotialean endophytes

Fig. 4

Potential worldwide distribution of the Cadophora species target of this study as inferred by BLAST comparisons against the NCBI GenBank’s nucleotide database (nt), and selected high-throughput ITS amplicon sequencing datasets available at the sequence reads archive (SRA; Table S3). a Maps showing the worldwide distribution of BLAST matches for selected Cadophora species (see Fig. S4 for maps with all the species in this study). Each map shows the BLAST search results for all the isolates within each species. Points represent the geographic locations of BLAST matches, either from the nt or the SRA database (indicated by point shape). Only BLAST matches with percent identity above 97% are shown, with points color indicating percent identity value. b Species distribution ranges based on BLAST results at 98, 99, or 100% percent identity. Ranges correspond to the farthest distance between two BLAST matches in the map, at each percent identity. For each species, each point corresponds to the range calculated for each isolate within the species

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