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Figs 2-11 | IMA Fungus

Figs 2-11

From: Advances in Glomeromycota taxonomy and classification

Figs 2-11

Characteristic germination shields in Gigasporales with germ pore (gp) as connection between spore cell contents and shields that are positioned on the surface of the germinal wall; germ tubes emerge from germ tube initiations (gti). Fig. 2 . Orbispora pernambucana (isotype, ZT Myc 641) with mono-lobed, hyaline germ shield (orb). Figs 3 4 . Scutellospora calospora (photo taken at INVAM) and S. dipurpurescens (holotype OSC #83343) have bi-lobed, violin-shaped, hyaline shields. Figs 5 8 . Racocetra coralloidea (type, OSC #31026), R. castanea (ex type, ZT Myc 4377), Cetraspora nodosa (isotype, DPP, Szczecin, Poland) and C. helvetica (isotype, ZT Myc 3038) have wavy-like, multiply lobed, hyaline shields. Figs 9 11 . Dentiscutataceae shields are yellow brown to brown. Fig. 9 . Dentiscutata reticulata (photo taken at INVAM) shields with multiple small compartments. Fig. 10 . Quatunica erythropa (photo taken at INVAM) is assumed to be the only known species in Glomeromycota with four spore walls. Fig. 11 . Fuscutata heterogama (ex type, ZT Myc 642) has a bi-lobed, oval to ovoid shield.

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