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Fig. 1. | IMA Fungus

Fig. 1.

From: Development of merosporangia in Linderina pennispora (Kickxellales, Kickxellaceae)

Fig. 1.

Scanning electron (A, B, D, F-I) and transmission micrographs (C, E, J, K) of sporulating structures of Linderina pennispora. A. Immature, globose sporocladia formed apically on the sporangiophore (Sp). Bars = 5 μm. B. Pseudophialide initials formed on sporocladia (S). Bars = 5 μm. C. Longitudinal sections of a sporocladium (S) with pseudophialides initials. Bar = 1 μm. D. Ellipsoid pseudophialides (Ps) with merosporangium initials. S = Sporocladium, Sp = Sorangiophores. Bar = 5 μm. E. Longitudinal sections through the distal region of the pseudophialide (Ps), the septum between a pseudophialide neck (PsN) and merosporangium (M). The pore in the septal cross wall (CW) contains a biconvex septal-plug (P), and the base of the merosporangiospore (Ms) is constricted towards the septum. P = septal-plug. Bar = 0.25 μm (c). F. Mature sporocladium (S), pseudophialides (Ps) and merosporangia (M). Bar = 5 μm. G. Obovate merosporangia (M) on pseudophialides (Ps). Note the regular annulations on the merosporangia surface, and the septum on the pseudophialide neck (N). Bar = 5 μm. H. Merosporangium and merosporangiospore cell wall. Three wall-layered of merosporangium (MW) and four-layered wall of the merosporangiospore (MsW). Bar = 0.1 μm. I. Released merosporangia (M) with a single, basally-attached “appendage”. Bar = 2 μm. J. Ellipsoid pseudophialides (Ps) coated with rod-shape ornamentations. Bar = 2 μm. K. Base of merosporangiospore (MB) with appendage (A) attached to the inner layer of the merosporangiospore cell wall and passing through the septum pore to the pseudophialide neck. Bar = 0.1 μm.

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