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Table 2 Summary of the distinctive features of the most similar species, Lactarius baliophaeus, and L. griseogalus, and those of L. subbaliophaeus, using data from Verbeken & Walleyn (2010).

From: The genus Lactarius s. str. (Basidiomycota, Russulales) in Togo (West Africa): phylogeny and a new species described


L. baliopheus

L. griseogalus

L. subbaliophaeus


Pileus 30–70(−90) mm; greyish yellow to brownish (4A3–5 to 4B3–5), dark blond to yellowish brown (5D4–5 to 5E4–5)

Pileus to 36 mm, very dark brown, almost black

Pileus 40–65 mm; greyish brown to beige- brown (5CD3 to 6DE3)

Lamellae and lamellulae

Broadly adnate, to decurrent, crowded L+l = 4+12 to 3+6/cm

Broadly adnate, not decurrent, distant (total 28)

Broadly adnate, to slightly subdecurrent, distant L+l = 4–5/cm


Firm, white to cream then orange-red, greyish red, finally black

Very thin and transparent, turning red then red- orange, finally black

Firm, first whitish becoming blackish finally black


Water-like, then successively brownish, blood-red, buff, cream

Hyaline turning grey then dark brown

Transparent white, becoming pinkish grey (7A2) then blackish

Reaction of context to FeSO4


Weakly greyish green



Mild, then acrid

Mild, slightly astringent

Bitterand acrid


Globose to subglobose

Usually ellipsoid, rarely subglobose

Globose, subglobose rarely ellipsoid


Q = 1.01–1.07–1.09–1.15

Q = 1.07–1.21–1.36–1.55

Q = 1.04–1.11–1.27


Plage distally amyloid

Plage not, or slightly amyloid

Plage not amyloid


Pleurocystidia 40–55 × 9–11 µm scarce to abundant, often arising deep in the hymenium, slightly thick-walled

Pleurolamprocystidia 50–65 × 7–10 µm abundantfusiform or irregular, thick-walled

Pleurocystidia 35–56 × 6–9 µm, scarce, inconspicuous subcylindrical, subclavate, thin-walled

Marginal cells

21–40 × (2−)3–5 µm, cylindrical, tortuous or fusiform, rounded, mucronate, with tapering apex

20–35 × 4–7 µm, rarely clavate, mostly fusiform

23–72 × 3–6 µm, subcylindical, fusiform or tortuous, almostly septate, mostly with tapering apex


Hymeniderm, suprapellis 10–25 × 3–5 µm, thin-walled

Palisade, suprapellis thick, 25–40 × 3–5 µm, thin-walled

Palisade, suprapellis thin 20–60 × 3–5 µm, thin-walled