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Table 1 Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVC) sampled for Phytophthora species in southern Victoria. Map locations are shown in Figure 1.

From: An overview of Australia’s Phytophthora species assemblage in natural ecosystems recovered from a survey in Victoria

EVC number and name





Lowland Forest (dry forest)

1 3

A small area of the Melba Highway road reserve, it has a species poor ground-layer. Within the Toolangi State Forest it occurs on flats and lower foothill slopes, on well drained soils of moderate fertility where it has a relatively species-rich ground layer.

Overstory is dominated by Eucalyptus obliqua and E. radiata (to 25 m) with an understory of Hakea decurrens, Kunzea ericoides and Acacia spp., Grevillea alpina, Banksia marginata, B. spinulosa, Spyridium parvifolium, Pultenaea muelleri and Olearia lirata.

20 Heathy Dry Forest


With shallow rocky soils with low fertility or water holding capacity, in the southern section of the Toolangi SF in areas of moderate to high rainfall areas.

The overstory is dominated by Eucalyptus macrorhyncha, E. radiata, E. goniocalyx and E. polyanthemos (15 – 20 m). The understory consists of a low shrub layer including Acrotriche prostrata, A. serrulata, Epacris impressa and Acacia verniciflua.

22 Grassy Dry Forest


Within Sugarloaf Reservoir. It occurs in lower rainfall areas on sedimentary soils.

A medium, open forest to woodland (to 20 m) dominated by Eucalyptus goniocalyx, E. macrorhyncha and E. polyanthemos over a sparse shrub layer and a relatively species-rich ground layer dominated by drought-tolerant grasses, herbs, forbs and hardy fern species.

16/23 Lowland Forest and Herb-rich Foothill Forest complex


At the southern end of Toolangi SF.

Relatively moist forest type which has a mixed eucalypt overstory, scattered tall, medium and low shrubs, over a species-rich ground layer.

23 Herb-rich Foothill Forest


Restricted to the extreme southern end of the Toolangi SF found growing on fertile, well-drained clay loam soils on a range of parent rock types in areas with moderate to high rainfall.

Medium height forest is dominated by a mixture of Eucalyptus obliqua, E. radiata and E. cypellocarpa (20 – 30m), over a diverse ground layer with scattered shrubs including Coprosma quadrifida, Cassinia aculeata, Spyridium parvifolium and Leptospermum scoparium.

29 Damp Forest


Restricted to a single gully in Toolangi SF on a diverse range of fertile, deep, well-structured soils. Much of the understory has been removed in areas.

Tall forest (35 – 40m tall) dominated by Eucalyptus cypellocarpa, E. obliqua and E. radiata over a diverse mid-story including Coprosma quadrifida, Acacia dealbata and Bedfordia arborescens.

30 Wet Forest


Found on well-drained loamy soils of relatively high fertility, restricted to a single gully within the Toolangi SF. This EVC has close affinities with Damp Forest.

Overstory of Eucalyptus obliqua (70 m) co-dominated with Coprosma quadrifida, Cyathea australis, Hedycarya angustifolia, Pomaderris aspera, Acacia dealbata and a wide diversity of ferns.

45 Shrubby Foothill Forest


Fertile, well drained, loam and clay soils commonly found on ridges and exposed slopes often in connection with Damp or Wet Forest in the Toolangi SF.

Tall forest (25 – 40 m) dominated by Eucalyptus obliqua, E. cypellocarpa and E. radiata with a dense mid-story of Coprosma quadrifida, Acacia melanoxylon, Pultenaea gunni and P. muelleri. Relatively species poor ground layer dominated by ferns.

47 Valley Grassy Forest


Fertile, well drained, loamy soils with annual rainfall of 700 – 800 mm on gently undulating lower slopes and valley floors within Sugarloaf Reservoir.

Open forest (20 – 30m tall) dominated by Eucalyptus obliqua, E. ovata and/or E. radiata. The ground layer comprises an array of herbs, lilies, grasses and sedges in spring, less diverse in winter.



Restricted sampling sites within Sugarloaf Reservoir Reserve, on alluvial sand, silt and clay soils in low-gradient swampy gullies.

Overstory of Eucalyptus ovata and E. yarraensis. The mid-story contained scattered shrubs with a ground layer of grassy/sedgy species with a highly modified understory dominated by introduced grasses.

Creekline Herb-rich




Restricted to a high rainfall area near the headwaters of the Yea River, this perched wetland is surrounded by Lowland Forest.

Vegetation is treeless except for fringing Acacia melanoxylon and Eucalyptus ovata. The rest is dominated by dense thicket of Gleichenia microphylla.

Fern Swamp




Sections of this mosaic have affinities with both Grassy Dry and Valley Grassy Forest.

A mosaic of non-native vegetation/Microlaena stipoides, native grassland and Pteridium esculentum; a result of clearing.